Terms and Conditions
The purpose of the mentoring and education program provided by Dr Theo B Ortho is to give patients being treated by practitioners, the best advice and planning so that with the skill of the treating practitioners, patients receive the best treatment outcomes.
In order to achieve this it is important that the treating practitioner understands and agrees to a number of terms and conditions.
- The treating practitioner understands that they are solely responsible for the clinical treatment outcomes for their patient. Dr Theo B Ortho cannot be held in any way responsible for clinical outcomes. Dr Theo B Ortho is not in a position to assess or influence the patient’s behaviour or assess the actual individual clinical situation presented.
- The treating practitioner understands that the decision to treat a patient is solely theirs and theirs alone. Dr Theo B Ortho cannot determine whether a patient should or should not be treated.
- The treating practitioner has advised the patient of all possible treatment alternatives available to them, including no treatment and has informed the patient of the possible risks associated with orthodontic treatment, as well as the patient’s obligations during treatment and retention.
- The treating practitioner can chose to ignore the advice given to them by Dr Theo B Ortho and proceed with their own plan. Payment to Dr Theo B Ortho, however, is required when the treating practitioner submits a patient for advice and treatment planning, as determined by level of support they have engaged with in the Dr Theo B Ortho platform.
- Once the treating practitioner has purchased a case it will be available until it is used. There is a 24 month time limit for the cases to be used.
- Once a treating practitioner submits a case to Dr Theo B Ortho a single case fee will be charged and the treating practitioner shall be responsible for this charge even if the selected patient does not proceed with treatment or treatment is cancelled.
- Dr Theo B Ortho is not responsible for the final approval to order aligners. Once aligners are ordered by the treating practitioner they are responsible for any fees incurred with respect to the supply of the aligners.
- It is the treating practitioners’ responsibility to know how to use and understand any and all software supplied and required for the treating practitioner to undertake the successful treatment of a patient.
- It is the treating practitioners’ responsibility to know how to undertake any of the clinical procedures required in treating a patient.
- It is the treating practitioners’ responsibility to be aware of and understand all the terms and conditions set out by any third party with which they establish a relationship. These relationships are totally independent of Dr Theo B Ortho, who cannot be held responsible.
- The treating practitioner shall provide records of an adequate standard, which includes relevant photographs and radiographs of the patient they intend to treat, as well as an adequate impression or intra-oral scan. Should these records be of a standard that does not allow Dr Theo B Ortho, in his opinion, to adequately evaluate the case and provide an accurate plan, he will initially request that the records be brought up to standard before proceeding further. If the records do not meet the required standard he has the right to refuse to advise the treating practitioner.
- Should the treating practitioner continually fail to provide adequate records, Dr Theo B Ortho has the right to refuse further collaboration with the treating practitioner, at his sole discretion. He will agree to repay the treating practitioner any remaining upfront case fees.
- The relationship between the treating practitioner and Dr Theo B Ortho is on a case by case basis. The treating practitioner has the right to end their relationship at any time with no financial penalties providing any and all outstanding fees have been paid. Any residual un-used pre-paid case fees shall remain with Dr Theo B Ortho and will not be refunded but can be used at any time, within the following 24 months
- Dr Theo B Ortho cannot be held responsible for the financial situation of the treating practitioner with any other company.
- Dr Theo B Ortho cannot be held responsible for any perceived effects the treating practitioner may believe has occurred in their practice because of the relationship with Dr Theo B Ortho, positive or negative.
Dr Theo B Ortho shall in turn provide the following services:
- Dr Theo B Ortho shall provide orientation and explanation of the website, where required and assistance in the establishment of a treating clinician’s own private portal.
- Dr Theo B Ortho shall ensure that all online records and correspondence remain private and confidential between Dr Theo B Ortho and the treating practitioner. The online platform shall comply with the HIPPA Act.
- Dr Theo B Ortho shall keep all information supplied to Dr Theo B Ortho by the treating practitioner confidential, unless required to disclose such information by law.
- Once a case has been submitted, Dr Theo B Ortho shall commence planning and present a treatment plan, with explanation, in a timely manner so as not to inconvenience the treating practitioner or the patient.
- Dr Theo B Ortho agrees to answer all ongoing communications in a timely manner.
- Dr Theo B Ortho cannot give the final approval for the commencement of a treatment case on behalf of a treating practitioner. This is the responsibility of the treating practitioner. In doing so, the treating practitioner indicates that he/she understands and is capable of delivering the desired treatment outcome for the patient.